Miguel Rodriguez Artacho, Ph.D.


ETSI. Informática - UNED
c/ Juan del Rosal, 16. Desp.2.15
E-28040 Madrid, Spain

email : miguel@lsi.uned.es
Phone: 91 398 7924


Miguel Rodríguez Artacho (B.S., M.S., PhD) is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED University). In 2018 he received a Degree in Advanced Studies for Defense by CESEDEN (Ministry of Defence) in the XXXVIII National Defense Course.

He is founder and technical secretary of the standardization committee on learning technologies AEN/CTN71/SC36 in UNE and member of the standardization committee on cybersecurity and information protection (AEN/CTN 320).

He has recently participated as guest speaker in the course "Defense of the Democratic States in Cyberspace" organized by UIMP University (July 2018).  Currently is Guest Editor of Special issue for new challenges in e-learning and digital education of FoI Journal.

Aditionally, ha has been Deputy Vicerrector (2003-2006) and Vice Dean at Computer Science School (2007-2019), UNED University, Spain.



  • Programación y Estructuras de Datos Avanzadas
  • Tecnologías Web
  • Notificación de Incidentes de Ciberseguridad
  • Entornos de Aprendizaje y Modelado basados en Estándares



Main research focuses on the development of educational modelling languages and learning content specifications to model individual and collaborative learning processes, learning resources and tools, including semantic web uses of e-learning and assessment mechanisms and evaluation using item response theory.

Currently UNED coordinator of  eMadrid e-learning research network.

Former research includes the development of PALO Language (http://cabrillo.lsi.uned.es/ltcs/palo), one of the first proposals of Educational Modelling Languages and  also the “Active Document” , a formalism to modelize collaborative tasks.


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