COLDEX aims at developing and using new IT approaches and computational tools to foster scientific experimentation, modelling and simulation in distributed collaborative settings in an inter-cultural (European-Latin American) community of learners. Our efforts will result in the creation of innovative pedagogical scenarios. A common denominator for the learning domain is the study of visual and other perceptual phenomena, including astronomical and seismic measurements, from both a scientific and a subjective experiential perspective. The project will start with local learning communities sharing a rich everyday context. The target groups will range from higher secondary education to academic beginners. Computer-mediated collaboration tools will contribute to forming integrated synchronous/asynchronous access to a "group memory" on different levels. Our group is involved on the development of a Learning Object Repository (LOR) will be set up. All registered users will have access to the LOR. The added value here stems from a set of extended metadata which enables reuse, retrieval, and heuristic filtering. The COLDEX-specific metadata projects on standards like LOM to allow reuse in other contexts. We are also envolved on creating local and remote scenarios about Chemistry.

Reference: IST-2001-32327

Founded by: European Community. IST Program

Participants: M. Felisa Verdejo (UNED), Beatriz Barros (UNED), Tim Read (UNED), José Ignacio Mayorga (UNED), Javier Vélez (UNED), Carlos Celorrio (UNED), Mª Yolanda Calero (UNED), Emilio J. Lorenzo (UNED).

Coordinator: Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg-Essen.

COLDEX project