At UNED University, we have choosen two real scenarios that require different didactic approaches:

  1. A telematic system for individual support of a learning activity of a theoretical/practical matter with a high number of students (more than 1000, in a typical first year matter at UNED University) with a low cost in equipment and connection for the student. In this situation it is not realistic to carry out synchronous communication between teacher and learner, due to the igh number of students, but to provide a very qualified learning material and to make it easy to use and to get. With this material, the student can study and practice all the content matter. At the same time, an electronic conference forum is provided, allowing teachers and learners to share news, notes, information and tools. It is important to notice that a main feature of this application is the structure and granularity of the didactic material. Thus, a conceptual Map of the content matter will facilitate access to the learning material that better fits learner objectives.
  2. Creation, use and evaluation of a cooperative learning support system in small groups. The main purpose is to integrate support to individual work with group work, so that students can carry out in a collaborative way a common task with shared resources. Selected task is used to practise a Ph. D. Course where two students work together to produce a common result.

Reference: TEL97-0328-C02-01.

Founded by: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Programa Nacional de Aplicaciones y Servicios Telemáticos.

Participants: M. Felisa Verdejo (UNED), M. Teresa Abad (UPC), Beatriz Barros (UNED), José Ignacio Mayorga (UNED), Miguel Rodríguez Artacho (UNED), Yolanda Calero.

Coordinator: M. Felisa Verdejo.

STEED project